If you've ever been in a relationship, you've probably experienced jealousy at some point. Jealousy is natural, but when it's taken too far it can result in distrust, insecurity, and even the end of a relationship. So what can you do? We're going to show you how to deal with jealousy in your relationship by looking at situations where your partner might be acting strangely.
Is your partner flirting?
Are your partner’s actions innocent, or are they flirting?
If you suspect that your partner is being unfaithful, there are certain signs to look out for. Try to pay attention to their body language and what they say to determine if they are being flirtatious with someone else. Remember that flirting usually involves communicating through non-verbal cues like eye contact and body language, so keep this in mind as you try to determine if your partner is cheating on you. If they are displaying any of the following, perhaps it is a good opportunity to address the situation with your partner:
They seem distracted during conversations with you
They spend more time than usual on their phone or computer
Their moods fluctuate frequently (e.g., from happy one minute to angry/sad moments later)
Spot the lie
It's important to spot the lie. In this case, you don't have to worry about your partner lying. It might be that you're just not ready for them to spend time with another person. If there is more than one person involved in a relationship that you're jealous of, it could stem from something deeper than jealousy—such as trust issues or inadequacy issues—and this should be addressed before trying any other form of communication.
If there's no evidence of lying at all, make sure not to accuse them without proof. It could cause harm if they feel like everything they say and do is under scrutiny by their partner (or vice versa). If there is some kind of proof that would back up your claim about their dishonesty (such as text messages) then share those with them so they know you aren't just making things up.

Do you trust your partner?
Trust is a two-way street: you want to trust your partner, but they also have to earn it by showing that they can be trusted. Trust takes time and effort to build—in fact, some people never fully regain trust in their partner after a betrayal.
As you build trust with each other, it will become easier for both of you to open up about what's going on in your lives. This includes sharing things that might be embarrassing or uncomfortable for either of you (like when one of you has been offered a job out of town), or just sharing positive things about yourselves (like telling each other how much fun it was watching last night’s TV show together).
When there's no trust between partners who haven't been completely honest with each other, then there won't be any way for these two people who love each other deeply to move past this hurtful experience together.
Are you jealous of everything?
A lot of people are jealous of pretty much everything. They’re jealous of the amount of time their partner spends with family and friends, or how many hours they spend talking to someone else on social media.
But there’s a difference between being upset about something and being jealous. Jealousy is more than just being upset about something; it can have a very negative impact on your relationship if you let it get out of control. It can also cause problems in other areas of your life too: feeling jealous may lead you to break your trust in your partner, which might make them feel unsafe around you.
Your jealousy will pass if you learn how to manage it instead of letting it control what happens in your relationship.
Stop comparing yourself to others.
When you compare yourself to other people, it’s easy to feel like you fall short. You might look at a friend and think, “I wish I could be as successful as they are,” or notice that your partner is more attractive than you are. But don't get caught up comparing yourself to others and losing sight of who you are!
You have different skills, experiences and ambitions than the people around you—and that's okay! You may not be able to do everything someone else can in a certain area of life (or any area at all), but that doesn’t mean there isn't an important role for you in those areas.
When we become jealous of others' strengths, weaknesses or accomplishments—or when we feel inferior about ourselves because we don't measure up—we can take steps toward overcoming jealousy by focusing on our strengths instead of what others seem to have over us.
Take a step back before accusing your partner of something they haven't done
Are you feeling jealous about your partner’s relationship with someone else, or maybe even just the idea of someone else? Take a step back before accusing them of something they haven’t done. It is important to keep in mind that they may be keeping secrets out of guilt, and if you overreact or accuse them of things they haven't done, it could make things worse. It's better to think through what you're feeling and figure out how best to handle it without causing harm or starting an argument.
If you find yourself feeling jealous, it’s important to take a step back and examine the situation. You don't want to accuse your partner of something they haven't done, or worse—make them feel like they have to prove their innocence. If you find that you're always feeling jealous and have trouble healthily dealing with your feelings, it might be time to seek professional help.